Posted by: Tony van Kessel | January 23, 2016

Top 10 Essential Oils for Skin Care

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Top 10 Essential Oils for Skin Care

It’s winter – brrrr!! Extremes of temperature and dry parched air take their toll on your delicate skin – causing damage at the cellular level. Because it’s so cold we often forget that the sun’s damage is actually worse in the winter, in part due to reflection from the stark white snow and the dry air.

Much of the damage is not visible to the eye, but is one of the major contributors to visible signs of aging. One day you look into the mirror and wonder “Yikes! When did THIS happen?”. You didn’t notice the gradual change because you see your face many times each day – but rest assured that your friends and family DO notice it!

Let’s assume you’re not going to run out and buy some stylish balaclavas – what’s your alternative?
Virtually all commercial skin care products you find in stores contain many synthetic chemicals (usually NOT listed as ingredients). Not only is your body programmed to fight any synthetic chemical molecules, many of them can’t be defeated and will gradually accumulate in your body’s organs (including liver, kidneys, and your largest, thinnest organ: your skin). Many are also toxic: known carcinogens and endocrine disruptors which might manifest in the future as a serious and sometimes life-threatening “surprise” illness (bad news: YOU are the guinea pig, in the non-clinical trial of long-term toxin accumulation).

Your body recognizes pure unadulterated essential oils as being “food”, and welcomes them with open arms – even allowing them to penetrate the cell walls of EVERY organ and body system to carry oxygen in, and to take waste out of the cells to be eliminated by the lymphatic system.

Here are your top 10 essential oils – to the rescue!
Not a DIY-type person? No problem: Young Living’s ART (Age Refining Technology) Skin Care System is 100% natural, oils-infused, and is very competitively priced compared to many of the premium skin care systems (which may be doing long-term harm you won’t notice until it’s too late).

Click here to open the full article to read and/or download:

Skin Care – Top 10 essential oils_NC

BONUS: Here are 10 plant oils with natural sunscreen – you can make your own SPF 40 to SPF 50 sunscreen simply by mixing only TWO inexpensive plant oils, either as a lotion or a spray mister!

Did you know there is an essential oil that has a natural sunscreen SPF of 38 to 40 SPF?

Did you know there is an essential oil that has a natural sunscreen SPF of 38 to 40 SPF?

For further information on essential oils and how to buy them at wholesale from the world leader, contact us!

Find us on Facebook.

Posted by: Tony van Kessel | May 7, 2010

Social Media: How’s your cake coming along?

Companies considering a social media campaign but with no past experience will quickly find  huge numbers of self-proclaimed social media experts offering “free” online training, webinars, etc. Most people curious about social media for their business will start by Googling, and then the flood-gates open!

A marketing generalist or business owner/manager looks at all the free info and thinks “How hard can this be? Looks like I can do this myself – I don’t need any capital or operations budget, IT support, extra staff, etc.” Of course, a lot of time gets wasted on the way to the inevitable sales pitches hiding behind the noise level, but a few good tips along the way can create false confidence.

People who DO dive in themselves are often “slightly informed amateurs” who end up doing it wrong, spending too much time doing it inefficiently, or have unrealistic expectations. Worse still, the only person they can hold accountable for the results is themselves – those online gurus they learned from are long gone and have no vested interest in your success – nor did they ever know anything about YOUR business or local market when they gave their “one size fits all” online advice.

You can’t bake a cake by looking at 10 different recipes (or partial recipes) and picking/choosing ingredients, oven temperature and baking time. If you’re really serious about cakes but can’t devote your life to becoming a baker, you’ll buy from a good baker so you can keep focused on what you’re best at.

Considering running your own social media marketing campaign but don’t have a dedicated social media expert(s) on staff? Ask yourself this question:  “If I want to run an ongoing magazine or TV ad campaign to increase business, would I use an ad agency or marketing production firm or would I do EVERYTHING in-house?” Most will say in one form or another “We don’t have the professional tools, expertise and contacts they have, nor the time to do it quickly and effectively”.


”All the world is a birthday cake, so take a piece, but not too much”

– George Harrison

Posted by: Tony van Kessel | April 22, 2010

Social Media in the Contact Center: the bus leaves at noon…

Are you on the bus, driving the bus or will you be under the bus?

A recent survey of contact center professionals reveals that 91% believe social media will enhance contact center services over the next 5 years, yet only 35% provide any support at all for social media today – and most of these have barely started their social media activity.

Meanwhile, on March 13, 2010 Facebook surpassed Google as the most-visited website in the world. If Facebook were a country, its 411+ million users would be the third largest country in the world, after China and India – and 50% of active Facebook users log in on any given day.

Twitter’s 105+ million users would make it 12th largest country in the world; 50 million Tweets are sent every day (up 1100% over the past year), and the average number of Tweets per user is steadily increasing.

The giant consulting firm Accenture plans to hire 50,000 people this year (2010). To get the attention of John Campagnino, Accenture’s head of global recruiting, you’d better be on the web: he plans to make as many as 40% of his hires in the next few years through social media. Says he: “This is the future of recruiting for our company.” To put a sharper point on it: If you don’t have a profile on LinkedIn, you’re nowhere. LinkedIn has over 65 million business professionals and is the most affluent social media vehicle with an average household income of $109,000. Over 80% of companies say they will use LinkedIn to make a hiring decision this year.

Get on the bus

Start now by educating yourself in the best possible way: jump in! Get a Twitter account, start a Facebook page and create a LinkedIn Profile (or optimize the one you already have).

Within each of these social media vehicles, search for your customers, key suppliers and competitors – look especially for the thought leaders in your industry, the rock stars, the ones making noise. Follow them on Twitter, see who they are following, then follow them too. Become a “Fan” of their Facebook pages and use the ones which impress you as potential role models. Build up your network of connections on LinkedIn, find and join the LinkedIn Groups appropriate to your industry and your own background – it shouldn’t be hard, LinkedIn has over 591,000 Groups.

Listen to a bus driver

One thing you’ll quickly find out about social media users is that they love to share. If you are in the contact center industry you’ll definitely want to attend an upcoming seminar on May 13th entitled Social Media: How your Contact Center WILL be Affected. You’ll hear all the results from the recent Contact Center industry survey about their social media plans and opinions. You’ll learn the fundamentals of the major social media vehicles and how each one fits in your world, from a subject matter expert regularly featured on CNN. You’ll see two of the largest companies in the world show you case studies on exactly how they have implemented social media in their contact centers – and the often surprising results.

Run, don’t walk, to register for this webinar before it is full (as of April 22nd it is almost 90% sold out) – don’t end up under the bus! Reserve your webinar seat now at:
